Wednesday 30 January 2013

The Definition of Gross

I am SO sorry for not posting anything sooner, writers block and coursework suck :(

I'm sure you all must know what I am talking about by the title of this blog alone.
If you don't, then A. What rock are you hiding under and B. If you can read this but not know about 'that' video, then what the actual fuck.

For those who have been living under a rock,a teenage girl, Giovanna Plowman, has somehow rocketed to 'fame' for making a video and posting it on Facebook of her sucking/eating her own used bloody tampon. Yes, you read right. No, I am not joking. 
And the sad part is, I watched at least half of that video.

Speaking as a girl, I hate even knowing that 'that time of the month' is coming, but really? Putting it in your mouth? I think a few essential screws on your head must be loose. Or lost.

Now, Giovanna is tweeting celebrities asking them for advice because she's getting hate. I physically facepalmed when i saw her tweets. I was like 'Really, bitch, really? You don't know why you're getting hate? MAYBE BECAUSE YOU ATE YOUR TAMPON'

I was more heart broken that she called Ariana Grande 'well known', but Ariana tweeted the best comeback. Period.

How much of a desperate attention whore do you have to be to EAT YOUR TAMPON.I'm sure all of us have a bit of a attention whore in us, look at babies for example. But really thats just too far. AND one of her mates ate his shit. I'll talk about that later.

Giovanna, go eat an apple.Or even McDonalds. Anything will be better than your hours old bloody tampon thats been in your va-jay-jay.

Well, thats me done. I'm out
Follow me on Twitter! @xphoeb
Follow me on Instagram! @xxphoebelxx

Love, Phoebe xoxo

P.S The memes of her make me LOL,so here are some-

Saturday 12 January 2013

People Anger Me

Well, hello again people :)
It hasn't been that long since I did my last blog but I'm feeling creative.

Anyway, I am a angry person, and I do admit I get angry very, very easily.
For example, all the time today there was just bad traffic. They've closed half the roads to my nearest shopping centre, planning on closing the rest next week, massive accident on the A2 leading to Bluewater so I couldn't go Bluewater the quick way, I had to go round the M25 with dad. 
Then my the time we were almost getting home, have you guessed yet? More traffic by Bexley so I had to go to Lewisham to get home. We were supposed to be gone for 2 hours, max. We got home 4 hours later.

And all that time, it was just me and dad getting angrier and angrier at the heavily worsenning traffic. I know where I get my anger from, dad is an angry person, but most of the males in dads family are angry.

I get very angry at the smallest things, especially people.
There is one girl who hangs around with all my friends. Nobody is particularly fond of her except for one person, but noone has the heart to tell her to go away.
Anyway, this girl thinks she has touching rights on EV-ER-Y-ONE. Honestly. She will just touch you FOR NO RERASON. Like, just stroke your hand or arm, or randomly give you a one-sided hug (where a person hugs you but you don't want to hug them so you stand there awkwardly with your arms superglued to your sides). Its just ridiculous.
Also, she thinks she is the It Girl of everyone in our group of friends. Like, she thinks she's BFF's with everyone, and everyone loves her.

Its just, people like this anger me, I mean, are they completely oblivious or do they just choose to ignore the truth?

Anyway, did that count as a rant? If it did, rant over.

FOLLOW MEH PWEASE :) i follow you back :) 
Instagram: @xxphoebelxx
Twitter: @XxPhoebeLxX

I luff you all. Really, I do.
Love, Phoebe xoxo


I was in the hospital room, alone. My loose sweatshirt was hitched up above my slightly swelled belly. Usually I loved the smell of hospitals and antiseptic, but today it stuck in my nose and throat, making me feel sick. I checked my phone. On new text from Louis- Hey babe! Meet up at Starbucks after everything? I wanna see the picture! xoxo
I smiled. Louis was the only one who knew about the baby. He hadn't even told Eleanor.
"Miss Stone?" A young doctor was at the door, holding a clipboard. I panicked for a minute. I wasn't ready to be a mum, how was i I going to afford clothes, nappies, food, childcare when I went to Uni and to all my jobs? I had barely enough time to see my friends now, bringing a baby wouldn't go down well. Was it too late to have an abortion?
No, I reminded myself, think about everything that'll happen before you make a choice.
Now or never, Phoebe.
"Yes, I smiled weakly.  

Friday 11 January 2013

New Years Resolutions

Well, happy new year everyone!

So, new years resolutions? Does anyone even do them anymore? No? Okay then...

My new years resolutions? Well, there's a lot of them-

1. Actually start paying attention in lessons at school. I've got my GCSE's next year, and I'm doing loads of mocks now, and I still don't pay attention.

2. Try and lose weight (such a cliche but idc). Please. I'm size 12 and all my bikinis are size 8. I'm going Italy in May. Do you see my predicament yet???

3. Try and work on my anger. Now,I just tend to hit things. Or people. I know, not the best but...

4. Don't fuck up my coursework. Seriously, its part of my GCSE's. I fuck it up I get a bad grade. Bad grade on my GCSE's means bad job, which means (to me) I can't afford a house, my dream wedding, holidays, Louboutins, my kids, nice stuff, etc)

5. Try and find a job asap. I'm not even joking, I get £5 a week (roughly) from him and thats it. I have no other source of income.

I think that one just explained its self.

7. Try and work on my fanfic and post it on Wattpad. I might post a teenie-tinie bit on here one day, and if i get a good response, I'll post it on there.

FOLLOW ME! please :)
Instagram: @xxphoebelxx
Twitter: @XxPhoebeLxX

Love, Phoebe :)