Monday 25 February 2013

Aims/Goals in Life

Hey there. Remember this stranger?No, me neither.
I thought I'd knock a quick blog out before I really have to start my overdue  ICT coursework. 

I personally have a lot of Aims/Goals in life, I'm not sure why, its not really planning, I think it counts as hoping for the best in the future?

Anyway, here they are:

- Try not to seriously injure anyone (friends, strangers or teachers)
One day, I think I'm going to end up hitting someone. Hard. Like I'm getting closer to hitting Mr Lloyd my ICT teacher because he's a massive prick. He's given me a half hour detention and threatened me with an hour. Joy.

- Say I have learnt something from school
This could be anything, like 'don't take a naked picture of yourself and send it to boys in your year' or 'tributaries make up a large river'. Anything, as long as I walk away from school knowing that I learnt something, I'm happy.

- Make my parents proud
This one speaks for its self. Maybe I could go to the moon, or make a psychology study.........

And finally, and the most important one,
-Don't fuck everything up
No silly mistakes, no stupid decisions etc.

Wow, that was hard. Really.

Follow me on Twitter! @xphoeb
Follow me on Instagram! @xxphoebelxx

While I'm here, does anyone know the effects of the Data Protection Act 1998 or how the Data Protection Act 1998 affects me, do they?

Love, Phoebe xoxo

(which for now shall remain anonymous ;) )

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