Saturday 24 November 2012

New phonecase!

Okay, I am super excited, I got a new phonecase!
That sounds so sad now I'm thinking about it, but honestly, I LOVE dressing my phone up in pretty cases. It's like having a child, honestly.

Anyway, this is it-
Please excuse the glare, but it's black, with little diamond crystal things all over, and a metal bow on it.
But it is SO pretty, I swear, I think I'm in love *lovestruck face*
I know my phone isn't exactly the best you can get (iPhone 3G), and to be honest, I really don't like it, I mean, I got my iPod Touch first, so that's got all my apps on it and everything, my texts won't send, it is, in fact, useless.
But I still love it for my music, I mean, if I just sold it or something, then that would be 32GB wasted, wouldn't it? I could use it for all my music, all my photos of 1D, etc...

So. My iPhone. I hate it but I love it. Its like Marmite. Hate it but I love Twiglets.

Anyway, ta (thanks) for reading this, it means alot. Honestly.

Follow me on Twitter @XxPhoebeLxX
Follow me on Instagram @xxphoebelxx

Love, Phoebe xo

One last thing, I leave you with my top three favourite songs for this moment cos we're on the subject of music and that-




Friday 23 November 2012

Maybe I should explain...

Hey, readers.
So, I guess I should tell you all a bit about myself, because my first blog was all about the actual blog, and not really about me. I am, essentially, a stranger to you all.

Hi. My name's Phoebe. I'm 14. I live in London, England. When I'm older, I either want to go to college to do hair and beauty so I can open my own beauty salon and hairdressers, or stay at school for 6th Form and do Psychology, History, English Lit and something else, I can't decide which.
So. This is me.
Please excuse the state I am in, and I'm not even trying to fish for compliments.
Truth be told, I look a bit more orange in real life, but thats my natural colour. I ain't mixed race or nothing, just the way I am, naturally olive (is that the phrase? IDK)

I can't really describe myself, I think I'm a bit of a boring, I can't explain my interests very well, maybe thats why I set up a blog, because I thought typing would be easier than speaking (I tried YouTube. I failed on YouTube)
Okay so music I like- Mumford and Sons, a bit of You Me At Six, little bit of Skrillex, ONE DIRECTION!!, and anything thats in the charts, really.

I think I'm a bit thick, for example, I had to think of rivers in Geography like the Hunger Games. Confused? I'll explain.

TRIBUTARIES- little stream type things that lead to the main river, just like the tributes from all the Districts.
CONFLUENCE- when they all meet up,just like the tributes going to the Capitol for the first time, and starting the fight.
MEANDERS (TURNS)- when everyone is killing and that
MOUTH- the winner!

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Only,after all of that, did I get rivers. Well, you learnt something then, a little bit of GCSE Geography for all of you.
Okay, fave colours are blue, burgundy and pink
Favourite school subject- Psychology (I'm that damn special)
Fave shoes I own- MY CREEPERS!!
Fave top- grey Rolling Stones top
Fave bottoms- either my black studded ankle grazers with the zips, my cream lace skirt or my 80's cutoff shorts

WHAT I LOOK LIKE (theres only so much a picture can tell you)
I've got olive skin (I'm still a bit orange from the summer holidays), short-medium poker straight hair, with natural sun highlights, I'm about 5ft 4 1/2"

AAaaand, IDK what else to say. Like I said, boring person. Thats me.

Feel free to leave a comment!
Follow me on Twitter- @XxPhoebeLxX
Follow me on Instagram- @xxphoebelxx

Thanks for Reading :)
Love, Phoebe xo

Sunday 18 November 2012

Introduction to this blog

Hello, world wide web, this is my first blog and I am SUPER nervous :s

Can I point out first that I didn't actually kill a vicar, it's just a name. I needed a name that I wanted people to remember, no one can remember a whole blog, but a name? Yes.

So what will my blogs be about? This took a lot of time to think about (15 minutes) and this blog will include-
•Topics to discuss that a lot of people can relate to
•A bit of makeup
•School (5 days a week, 7 hours a day, you can't avoid it)

So, the first topic
Being the second favourite sibling.

I myself am the oldest, with one brother. He, of course, has to be the favourite, he's a mummy's boy, gets more love from our dad, the grandparents and cousins love him. He's always had more opportunities, given more stuff.
Hello? Anyone remember the firstborn?

It just gets repetitive after a while, but never old. Take this evenings dinner, for example. Things were frosty between mum and dad, but what else do you expect two divorcees to be?
Anyway, topic of discussion? Maxi's imminent rugby "career".
I didn't even get a word in about how I had somehow scraped a B in a RE test where I made all the answers up. Fun.

Anyway, being the second favourite isn't always a bad thing. For one, they're too busy fussing over the favourite to notice you've gone out, and they'll pay you just to get out of the house.

So, this is the end, please leave any comments for me, look out for the next blog and follow me on Twitter on @XxPhoebeLxX and Instagram on @xxphoebelxx

Thanks for reading! :)
Love, Phoebe xo