Friday 23 November 2012

Maybe I should explain...

Hey, readers.
So, I guess I should tell you all a bit about myself, because my first blog was all about the actual blog, and not really about me. I am, essentially, a stranger to you all.

Hi. My name's Phoebe. I'm 14. I live in London, England. When I'm older, I either want to go to college to do hair and beauty so I can open my own beauty salon and hairdressers, or stay at school for 6th Form and do Psychology, History, English Lit and something else, I can't decide which.
So. This is me.
Please excuse the state I am in, and I'm not even trying to fish for compliments.
Truth be told, I look a bit more orange in real life, but thats my natural colour. I ain't mixed race or nothing, just the way I am, naturally olive (is that the phrase? IDK)

I can't really describe myself, I think I'm a bit of a boring, I can't explain my interests very well, maybe thats why I set up a blog, because I thought typing would be easier than speaking (I tried YouTube. I failed on YouTube)
Okay so music I like- Mumford and Sons, a bit of You Me At Six, little bit of Skrillex, ONE DIRECTION!!, and anything thats in the charts, really.

I think I'm a bit thick, for example, I had to think of rivers in Geography like the Hunger Games. Confused? I'll explain.

TRIBUTARIES- little stream type things that lead to the main river, just like the tributes from all the Districts.
CONFLUENCE- when they all meet up,just like the tributes going to the Capitol for the first time, and starting the fight.
MEANDERS (TURNS)- when everyone is killing and that
MOUTH- the winner!

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Only,after all of that, did I get rivers. Well, you learnt something then, a little bit of GCSE Geography for all of you.
Okay, fave colours are blue, burgundy and pink
Favourite school subject- Psychology (I'm that damn special)
Fave shoes I own- MY CREEPERS!!
Fave top- grey Rolling Stones top
Fave bottoms- either my black studded ankle grazers with the zips, my cream lace skirt or my 80's cutoff shorts

WHAT I LOOK LIKE (theres only so much a picture can tell you)
I've got olive skin (I'm still a bit orange from the summer holidays), short-medium poker straight hair, with natural sun highlights, I'm about 5ft 4 1/2"

AAaaand, IDK what else to say. Like I said, boring person. Thats me.

Feel free to leave a comment!
Follow me on Twitter- @XxPhoebeLxX
Follow me on Instagram- @xxphoebelxx

Thanks for Reading :)
Love, Phoebe xo

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