Saturday 13 April 2013

50 Facts About Me!

Hello, this is what bloggers block does to you, I have to try and do my own thing of Youtube videos and do them on here. Also, I wanted to help you get to know me, because this is like a personal thing, spilling my life onto a keyboard. I was inspired to do this by Bubzbeauty and SecretLifeOfABioNerd
So here it is, 50 facts about me.

  1. My full name is Phoebe Lili Stone, and Lili is spelled like that after my great aunt, Lilian, but everyone called her Lil, or Lili
  2. I'm not good at planning for the future, except my wedding, that I'm very good at.
  3. I have a cat called Topaz, and I think she's lesbian because she always sits and presses on my boobs, v. uncomfortable
  4. I really want a Cairn Terrier called Tony
  5. I think I can cook pretty decent, mum and nan taught me and mums a catering teacher, I was bound to pick up something
  6. I hate my thighs. Like, with a passion.
  7. I'm terrified of going up climbing walls, or going up anything where I have to support my own weight, because I have no strength whatsoever, seriously I will fall off.
  8. I prefer tea over coffee, but I won't refuse a starbucks
  9. If I have coffee, I lose count of how many sweetners I put in it
  10. Coke over Pepsi anyday, am I the only one who thinks Pepsi tastes different to Coke?
  11. Originally, I'm German, thats why dads family have blonde hair blue eyes, except Uncle Trevor, but that's different
  12. I cry. A lot.Over the most stupid things, like a post on Facebook etc, I know I have to have tissues with me when I go to the cinema, because I know I will cry
  13. I would go back to Hong Kong, just go have this carrot and ginger smoothie drink form this shop whos name escapes me, but they called it a detoxifier
  14. If I have my hair down, I have to straighten it, or I'll end up looking like Miss Hooley from Balamory
  15. I hardly ever blow dry my hair, so I don't know where these split ends come from
  16. 'I really don't know how to work a computer, only the basics
  17. I really want to learn how to use photoshop
  18. Bad CGI in films makes me phsyically cringe.
  19. Dirty Dancing or Footloose or Ferris Buellers Day Off are my most favourite films EVER
  20. I have a younger brother, who thank the Lord looks nothing like me
  21. I don't understand how people can sleep with a light on. What even.
  22. I hardly ever wear makeup, so people have school get the pleasure of seeing my naked face, spots and oiliness and oen pores and blackheads and all
  23. I like having a messy room, I know where everything is, much to the dismay of my mum
  24. Cake and food is my life. 'Nuff said.
  25. Wow! Halfway through! I hate the smell of cigarette smoke.
  26. I have the faintest dimples ever. What is even the point of having them if you can't see them
  27. I love animals, literally LOVE
  28. I zone out of conversations, so then when I do finally pay attention and listen I'm just standing there so confused.
  29. Born and raised in London boyyy
  30. I cannot wear shoes that show my toes, like shoes with a tiny peep toe, nuh uh, but sandals I'm cool with
  31. My fingernails are non-existant
  32. I wear contact lenses
  33. I get scared when mum or my grandad is driving, I sit there praying
  34. Instagram is my life ok
  35. I don't really get/like tumblr??
  36. I'm about 5ft 2" or 3"??
  37. I make amazing pancakes
  38. Mozzarella cheese is just......asdfghjkl;
  39. Harry Styles is my husband, and I don't even care if so many ohther Harry girls have said that all over the world, I'm up for sharing, as long as I get to see him.
  40. I really want to go to Malaysia with Sallie to see all her family
  41. I had my first kiss when I was 8, and I'm pretty sure it would have counted as snogging, I ain't no slag though btw
  42. I have a boyfriend (don't ask me how, I still giggle at the word vagina)
  43. I've been to Church of England schools my whole life, I still don't believe in god, only when I have a german/maths/geography/psychology test and I pray, even then I say Hail Mary and thats Catholic, I confuse myself
  44. My phone is a Blackberry, and I know its shit, I <3 it
  45. My little Croydon nan is my inspiration
  46. If I met Mary Berry I would die, idgaf she's amazing at baking
  47. I really want to be an admin on a 1D fanpage on Instagram, I would make so many more friends (LOL I HAVE NO LIFE. I'M BEING SRS GUYZZ)
  48. I could spend all day in bed if I could. And I have. Haha, suck on that
  49. Year 7's piss me off so much omg
  50. I sign my signature with only 1 'e', at the end, so on my signature, I'm Phobe Stone
This took longer than you'd think, honestly, it was actual effort.
Anyway, thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed.

Love, Phoebe xxx


Please tell me I'm not the only person who loves Pop Danthology? Does anyone else even know what it is? No? Okay then...
What's that? You want the link to Pop Danthology 2012? Of course! Just click on the link below Daniel Kim's face (he's the genius who made this) and you're on your way!



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