Friday 21 December 2012

End Of Term and Christmas Plans...

HALLELULIAH, 'tis the end of term finally!
I'm not sure what a school term is in American, but its the end of a full term at school so we left early for Christmas!
I think this must happen at a lot of schools on the last day before the holidays- forget about actual lessons, just bring in DVDs, food and its time to PAR-TAYYYY!!!
For example, today I had History- we watched Elf, Core Science we watched Brave (because Sir had promised that if the world was ending, we'd party, and if it wasn't, we'd watch a DVD for escaping death), Psychology we watched Derren Brown and his experiments. 'Tis a good time, the end of term.

I must admit, I like the end of term more than Christmas its self? What is wrong with this Grinch! I hear you say, but I have reasons
- Too commercialised
- Its just another day where all the attention is on my brother
- Me being me, I always get the shittest gifts, but I'm still grateful
- I hate Christmas food
- Too long
- A bit boring
- Most of the Christmas specials are shit

But anyway, my Christmas plans? It involves a lot of sleeping, eating mince pies, sleeping, annoying my whole family, and staying at home. And opening presents, of course.

Well, on that cheery note I must leave you.

Follow me on Instagram! xxphoebelxx
Follow me on Twitter! @XxPhoebeLxX
Feel free to comment :)

Thanks for reading :)
Love, Phoebe xoxo
P.S I got you a Christmas present!

Heres something to think about- how often do we have to get up, go to school, come home, before everyone admits its a crap idea?

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