Friday 21 December 2012

Its Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Christmas...

Okay, so now I can say I am in a Christmas-y mood, the RE teachers are banging out what the TRUE meaning of Christmas is (something about Mary, IDK), decorations everywhere, Christmas cards (my grand total is 5!), and friends asking what you want (please don't ask me what I want. Then I'll be expecting it and then it won't be fun, okay?)

So, anyway, two friends of mine on YouTube posted a video with questions about what they like about Christmas, so I'm going to do a Blog form of that :)

1. When did you start getting excited about Christmas?
When I had to destroy part of Harry's hair on my 1D Advent Calender (I cried) but I get SO excited on the last day of term.

2. Do you still have Advent Calenders? 
Who doesn't? How else would I remember all the dates of December if I didn't get to look at One Direction and The Gruffalo everyday?? Do they have Advent Calenders in America? Do they even have Advent?? ITS CHOCOLATE EVERYDAY I THOUGHT AMERICA WOULD LIKE THAT. no offence america, in return, please don't call people from England British. It really gets on their tits, they're English, not British, unless they are all Scottish, English, Welsh and Northern Irish. Get it??

3. What are your favourite christmas films?
Elf and The Grinch. I cannot tolerate The Snowman on the grounds that A) I hate Aled Jones and B) Unless it is Disney, I do not watch cartoons.

4. Do you have any funny Christmas memories?
My aunt Sallie got so excited about there being pork crackling as part of the Christmas dinner one year I swear she almost fainted.

5. Talk us through your typical Christmas day
Wake up normal weekend time (i.e. later than 9 in the morning), wait for dad to come,breakfast, presents, watch all the christmas things on TV, play with the stuff we have, get ready for dinner then watch the stuff on the TV ans then bed. The End. And all the time we are eating a constant stream of mince pies etc...

6. What do you have for Christmas dinner?
Isn't it obvious? Christmas dinner, duh. Turkey (and i have duck as well), potatoes, carrots, everyone else in my family has pigs in blankets but i dont like sausage sooo, broccolli, cauliflower and other stuff that i can't remember and i refuse to eat brussell sprouts on the ground that THEY ARE DISGUSTING

7. Do you have any Christmas traditions?
At some point during the day, I have to go over my nan and grandads to get my presents, but they only love across the road from me so thats alright I guess. Oh yeah! Me and my brother always get new pajamas, and CHRISTMAS CRACKERS! (Note. All Americans, I will link a website that explains English Christmas traditions at the end)

8. Which are your favourite Christmas songs?
I only have one, and that is The Pogues Feta.Kirsty MacColl Fairytale of New York, because the main man sounds so grumpy when he's singing about Christmas and he reminds me of my dad, and I think Kirsty MacColl is very pretty. Also, it isn't like all the other Christmas songs

9. Best Christmas present you have ever received?
Me and my brother both got DS's and a Wii when we were in Hong Kong

10. Real or fake Christmas tree?
Real all the way, it makes it smell proper Christmas-y then. I've never had a fake one.

11. Whats your favourite Christmas colour?
Purple. Many of you may not know, that is a traditional Christmas church colour (Yeah, I've got predicted A in RE for my GCSEs, jealous much?)

12. Stay in your pj's or dress up for Christmas?
Pj's for the presents, then dress up a bit for dinner, methinks

13. If you could only buy one person a present this year, who would it be?
My grandad, probably, I don't feel like I've appreciated him that much and as he's getting older, I want to do something now while I still can.

14. Do you open your presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
I only open 1- me and my brother always get a new set of pajamas to wear to bed, so we have new ones for the morning,and anyway, who would open them on Christmas Eve? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

15. Have you built a gingerbread house?
No, I have neither the time nor patience.

16. Any Christmas wishes?
My mum and dad to be fine and happy with each other.

17. Favourite Christmas smell?
Ummm, mymum has a oil burner and she's got one called Snowflake that smells AMAZING. Its either that or a real Christmas tree smell- Pine-y. Cloves are up there as well

18. Favourite Christmas treat?
Just an endless stream of Mince Pies

19. Favourite thing to do around Chridsmas time?
Iceskating, deffo, me and my friend emily (she has a blog too! fluffylovesdoughnuts, go check her out:D)

20. Favourite thing to do in Winter?
Just make loads and loads of mince pies, even though its only me and mum that eat them, come January, we both resemble bowling balls,we're so fat from mince pies

21. Favourite thing about Christmas day? 

22. Dream Christmas present?
Harry Styles. Or Niall. Or loads of shoes. Mmmm, Harry Styles................

23. Dream Christmas day?
No clue, I'm not a very imaginative person, I'm happy with what happens now.

24. Favourite fragrance?
Dot by Marc Jacobs, IT IS HEAVEN IN A BOTTLE

25. Favourite eyeshadow/pallette?
I'm not really an eyeshadow person, so none.

26. Favourite clothing item?
Onsie all the way babyy!!

27. Favourite way to wear your hair?
Down, cos its up most of the time

28. Would you rather have lots of presents or all your family around?
Lots of presents, thats sound so selfish but there's a family war going on right now, totes awks. if they all came round

29. Go out or stay in?
Stay in, although me and dad and maxi might go Greenwich park on all our boards

30. Only get presents or only buy presents?
whats the point in that then?

31. Have lots of cheap presents or fewer more expensive ones?
Hye, I like cheap ones

Anyway, this blog was a working progress of over 3 weeks, thats why it took so long and its late

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Thanks for reading!

Merry Christmas! :)

Love, Phoebe xoxo

P.S An english Christmas explained for all you 'Mericans out there
An English Christmas explained.....

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