Thursday 27 December 2012

Show Offs- Just Piss Off.

Hello again, today I'm gonna talk about people who show off about what they've got, especially at Christmas.

Christmas, I think, is bigger than your birthday, well for me anyway. I always get way more at Christmas than my birthday (26th June, take a note). I'm not gonna tell you what I got, cos then that'll just be me being a hypocrite.

Anyway, I got a text on Christmas morning from a girl who calls herself a directioner, I was happy to talk to her but then it went downhill-
Her: OMG i got a ipad!
me: wow! lucky....
her: and i got 1d tickets! YAY
me:really? thats great!

Can you sense my growing discomfort yet?
I'm not saying I'm disappointed in my gifts, complete opposite, I'm over the moon about them, but if you text someone on Christmas day, bragging about your gifts, it'll put you down as a bit of a twat in my books.

Just because you brag about what you got, it will not make you look cooler, or better, or help you make more friends than everyone else, people will just think "why are they bragging and showing off about what they got? Twat"

Lesson for life there, don't brag or show off about what you've got, people will not like you.

Follow me on Instagram! @xxphoebelxx
Follow me on Twitter! @XxPhoebeLxX
I follow back, so even more reason to follow :)

Love, Phoebe xoxo

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