Sunday 23 December 2012

Favourite Places

Okay, so the inspiration for this blog came to me when I was thinking that about this time 3 or 4 years ago I was in Hong Kong! 
Hong Kong when I went was AMAZING, I was staying in my uncle's MASSIVE apartment with my family, I think it was near the tube station Central? Or not, I can't remember, I remember it was by a tram thing, and I know it was near the Excelsior Hotel? (I remember that because my nan&grandad were staying there) Please comment if you know where I'm talking about and put me out of my misery.

Anyway, my favourite place in all of Hong Kong wasn't in any way outside, no.
It was right by the window of my uncle's front room, looking outside of the ceiling to floor windows on the 32nd floor looking at some MASSIVE jungle/rainforest thing. This is my favourite place because it was so different from the urban sprawl of London back home, and I knew I had never seen anything like it, it was like I was looking into a different world.
Of course I had to be pulled back to reality when I could see grubby little flats out the corner of my eye.

Favourite place number 2- Greenwich Park in London (hosted the equestrian in the London Olympics&Paralympics 2012)
I don't love it because of th part it played in our Olympics, no. I literally grew up there. Almost every weekend since I was little, either mum or dad would take me and my brother up there. I learnt how to ride a bike, a scooter, and my longboard up there. I love how you can walk down the hill and go to the Maritime Museum, thr playpark, Greenwich Market or the Cutty Sark, or go in the tunnel to the Isle Of Dogs.
And the views, are #amazeballs. Right next to the observatory, theres a statue and you can see, literally the whole of London form there- the Shard, O2 Dome, Canary Wharf, etc...

As I couldn't find any pictures of Hong Kong for you, a few from Greenwich Park instead-

Have I convinced you to come and visit London yet? ;)

Follow me on Instagram! @xxphoebelxx
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I follow back!!

Thanks for reading this. It means a lot, honest.
Love, Phoebe xoxo
P.S HEY! Did you know that you can translate any of my blogs into another language now? I can sound stupid in any language now! ;) xoxo

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